Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Angklung music instrument

Angklung is a musical instrument multitonal (dual pitched), which is traditionally grown in the Sundanese-speaking community in the western part of Java Island. This musical instrument made ​​of bamboo, sounded shaken by (the sound caused by the clash of bodies bamboo pipes) so as to produce a sound that vibrates in the arrangement of tones 2, 3, and 4 tones in every size, large or small. Barrel (tone) musical instrument Angklung as Sundanese traditional music is mostly salendro and pelog.

Angklung is listed as Masterpieces of Oral Heritage and Human Nonbendawi of UNESCO since November 2010.
There is no indication since when angklung used, but the alleged primitive forms have been used in Neolithic culture that flourished in the archipelago until the beginning of the modern calendar, so angklung is part of the relics of pre-culture of Hinduism in the archipelago.

Kecak Dance Bali Tradition Special Feature

In Bali there is a kind of dance that is quite unique, and is played mainly by men in which the number of players in the tens or more dancers who sit in line and a circle with a specific rhythm called the sound "cak"as he raised his hands. It is described as rows of apes help fight Ravana Rama in the Ramayana.

jaipong dance from bandung

Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. Attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know well make it perbendaharan dance movement patterns that exist in the tradition Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion of several arts mincid above have enough inspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as the Jaipongan.

Before this form of performance art show, there are several forms of dance influences behind this association. In West Java, for example, social dance is the influence of the Ball Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separated from existence and pamogoran ronggeng.

Dance tor-tor

Dance to the office is a dance that moves a rhythm with the music (Margondang) are played by traditional musical instruments such as gondang, flute, trumpet hobo, and others. According to the history of dance tor-tor used in rituals associated with spirits, where the spirits are summoned and "enter" into the stone statues (a symbol of the ancestors), then the statue was moved like dancing but his movements stiff. The movement involves movement of the feet (tiptoe-tiptoe) and hand movements. Types of dance tor-tor also vary, there is the so-called tortor Pangurason (dance cleaning). This dance is usually held at a large party, whichever is first cleaned the place and location of the party before the party began to far from danger by using lime. There are also tor-tor Sipitu Grail (Dance of the seven bowls).

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