Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Dance Ratéb Meuseukat

Dance Ratéb Meuseukat
ACEH - Art Dance
Ratéb Meuseukat dance is one of the dances that originated from Aceh Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Meuseukat Ratéb name comes from the Arabic origin of the word is ratéb Ratib means worship and meuseukat sakat origin of the word meaning silence.

It is reported that this Meuseukat Ratéb dance movement and style created by children Teungku Abdurrahim alias Habib Seunagan (Nagan Raya), while his poetry or ratéb created by Tengku Chik at Kala, a cleric in Seunagan, who lived during the nineteenth century. The content and the content of his verse consists of flattery and praise to God and praise to the Prophet, played by a woman dressed in traditional Aceh. Dance developed in many Meudang Ara Rumoh Baro in Southwest Aceh district.

On the first play after the completion Ratéb Meuseukat chanting religious instruction at night, and also this is not apart as media propaganda. The game is done in a sitting position and standing. At the end of the game also Ratéb Meuseukat it also showcased on religious ceremonies and major holidays, wedding and others that do not conflict with religion.
Currently, this dance is a dance of the most famous in Indonesia. This is because beauty, dynamism and speed of motion. This dance is often misinterpreted as Saman Gayo belongs to the tribe. Whereas the two dances have a very clear distinction. The main difference between dance Ratéb Meuseukat with Saman there are 3 that is, first Saman Gayo language, while using the language of dance Ratéb Meuseukat Aceh. Second, Saman dance performed by men, while dance Ratéb Meuseukat sung by women. Third, Saman not accompanied by musical instruments, while dance Ratéb Meuseukat accompanied by musical instruments, namely rapa'i and geundrang.

Fame of this dance as it is today can not be separated from the role of one of the characters are introduced this dance on the island of Java, which is usually called Marzuki Hasan or Mr. Uki.

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