Selasa, 15 November 2011

Kajongan Bedaya dance from cirebon

Kajongan Bedaya dance at the King Dzoelkarnaen created during Sultan Sultan Kanoman to VIII, who in it
bringing moral values​​, social ethics, philosophy of life and history.
This dance has included the endangered category of art, dance Bedaya pentaskan Kajongan was last in the early 1970s.

Dance Bedaya Kajongan actually not in the pentaskan or permitted to be seen than the family palace. However, the relatives in the present era in pertontonkan want this dance back to the public, to increase the cultural treasures Cirebon and Indonesia. Permission from the Sultan Kanoman top dance Bedaya XII Kajongan pentaskan again exactly in the neighborhood In the palace Kanoman Cirebon. For the humanists who understand this history can provide input for the royal family will grip-grip this dance, because they had already forgotten.

   Two dancers on whom these Kajongan Bedaya Rd. Nurmini & Rt. Anah. These dancers have a bachelor's Queen, and one of them had problems with hearing, so at the time of dancing she only saw his main opponent's movements. Rhythmic strains accompanying gending also sounded soft and with a slow tempo, the mood was quiet amazed by the graceful movements of the dancer. There is emotion behind this performance because of those who remembered the dance of their ancestors who last taught in the past.

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