Senin, 27 Juni 2011

jaran braid of perch

Doger / Art Jaran braids or lumping horse is one of the cultural richness of Indonesia. Jaran braid art has long been recognized by the Java community, including in dalamya
Tengger tribe. The Java community to give the name of art with horse jaranan braids, and for society Nongkojajar jatilan known Doger. Albeit with different names and attributes used dance clothing, gamelan, as well as the typical rocking horses made ​​of woven bamboo ridden by dancers jaran tersebut.Seni Jaran braid braid is very thick with a mystical atmosphere, where before the show horse braids in someone begin to burn incense to invite the spirits so that the possession of some dancers,
so unconscious of what they are doing. Such as eating fire, eating flowers, eating broken glass / glass, the incidence of this society possessed by spirits Nongkojajar give NDADI terms, it meant to be. Performing Arts Jaran braids are typically held at any time of circumcision or wedding celebration, the event for national holidays Independence Day Celebration Mass. To give an idea about the art of horse braid or Doger this post I include excerpts show Jaran braids in the Village Art District Pungging Said Pasuruan East Java on one of celebration Villagers Pungging. Jaran braid the organization named Langgeng Budoyo Pungging, led Mr. Riyamun villagers Pungging Kec. Pasuruan said.

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