Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Wayang kulit

Wayang kulit is the traditional art of Indonesia which is mainly developed in Java. Puppet comes from the word Ma Hyang means toward the almighty one. Shadow puppets played by a puppeteer who is also the narrator's dialogue puppet characters, accompanied by gamelan music played by a group of nayaga and song sung by the singer. Plays puppet puppeteer behind the curtain, the screen is made of white cloth, while behind him flashed an electric lamp or lamp oil (blencong), so the audience on the other side of the screen can see the shadow puppet who falls into the screen. To be able to understand the story of wayang (the play), the audience must have knowledge of the puppet characters whose image appears on the screen.

Generally puppet took the story from the Mahabharata and Ramayana manuscript, but not be limited only by the grip (standard), the ki can also play the play puppeteer carangan (composition). Some of the stories taken from the Panji stories.

Puppet show has been recognized by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, as the work of an amazing culture in the field of narrative story and legacy of beautiful and valuable (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). Shadow puppets are more popular in central and eastern Java, while the puppet show is more often played in West Java.
Shadow puppets made ​​of buffalo skin leather that has been processed memjadi sheets, puppets apiece need about size 50 x 30 cm sheet of skin which is then carved with the equipment used is made ​​of an iron-pointed steel of good quality. Steel is made in advance in various shapes and sizes, there is a sharp, flat, small, large and other forms, each having different functions. But basically, to arrange or make various forms of carving holes are purposely made ​​to decay. Then performed the installation of body parts like hands, there are two connections on the hands, upper arms and elbows, how to connect it with a small screw made ​​of buffalo or cow horn. Handle which functions to move the arm blackish in color are also made from buffalo horn material and golden color that is generally using prada gold color paper taped or it could be with dibron, painted with a powder that melted. Puppet using prada, the result is much better, the color can last longer than a bront.

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