Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Rengkong (Traditional Art of Cianjur, West Java)

Cianjur is one district that is administratively included in the Cianjur Regency. Predominantly Muslim societies and in general depend of farming. In this area, precisely in Kampung Kandangsapi, Cisarandi Village, District Warungkondang there is a traditional art called "Rengkong". The origins of this art originated from the transfer of paddy field for dry rice cultivation (field) to Saung (granary). West Java community at large, including community Warungkondang (Cianjur), in the past - before knowing rice cultivation in paddy fields (irigarasi system) - is generally as cultivators (ngahuma) that move around. Harvested rice fields that have certainly not left in the fields, but must be brought home. Given that the distance between fields and residential areas (home cultivators) are relatively far away, we need a tool to bring it, which is made ​​from a bamboo pole. They call it "awi Gombong". Pole is given a weight of approximately 25 kilograms of rice are tied with injuk kawung (rope fibers) if taken will cause noise or sound generated from the friction between the rope fibers and rods pole itself. And, the sound produced sounds like hornbills (a type of goose). Therefore, when the sound generated from the friction between the rope fibers and pole developed into a type of art called "Rengkong".

It is said that art is known by the public Rengkong Warungkondang, especially the Village Sukaratu, Village Cisarandi, since the end of the 19th century. Adupan people introduce or develop it is Said (deceased). On the other villages (Sukaratu) was developed by an entrepreneur tile (1920-1967). Thus, the burden which was originally in the form of rice was replaced with tile. Meanwhile, in Kampung Kandangsapi developed by Sukarman since 1967.
The equipment needed to create art that is referred to as Rengkong this is the equipment that produces sound Rengkong itself with a variety of sizes (some are big and small). Equipment was composed or made ​​of a pole, rope fibers, rice, and kerosene. Yoke is made from a awi Gombong (bamboo Gombong) are thin with a length of 2 or 2.5 meters. One end and the other is open (not covered by bamboo). Then, approximately 30 centimeters from the edges are perforated (like kentongan) along approximately 38 centimeters. Mine fibers are 2 to 2.5 meters in length serves as a binder paddy rice that will be hung on a awi Gombong that serves as a yoke. Then, weighing 20-25 kilograms of rice as a load carrying pole. More than that is feared to be a broken pole. And, kerosene serves as pengesat friction between the rope and pole, so that friction produces a loud noise. Other equipment is dodog and angkung beans.

Players and Clothing
Rengkong overall number of players there are 14 people with the details: 2 persons as carriers of large Rengkong; 3 persons as carriers of small Rengkong; 4 people as a player dodog, namely dodog: tingrit, tongsong, brung, brung, and gedeblag; and players angklung beans consists of 5 persons. Meanwhile, clothing or clothing worn is a form of traditional dress: shucks or pangsi, headband, and gloves.
Arts Rengkong in Warungkondang is usually only performed in order to enliven the days of great religious and or national (17 Agustusan) in the form of procession. In a staging Rengkong players usually numbering 5 persons is at the forefront. Then, followed by the players and the players angklung dodog beans. However, sometimes collectively packaged staging. That is, the players may move anywhere (blended together).

When Rengkong not yet developed into a kind of art, it simply serves as a distraction from someone who is carrying the load (rice) by means bear. In this case the friction between the rope and pole pole used as a rhythmic accompaniment, so that a relatively heavy load is not so perceived because as accompanied by the sounds typical. And, when it became a kind of art Rengkong function is also not much different, is as entertainment.

For the record, which is referred to as Rengkong art is not only in the area Cianjunr alone, but also in the area of ​​Sukabumi and Banten. The difference, in both regions Rengkong not only serves as entertainment, but there are other functions that background, the expression of gratitude to the Goddess of rice that has been providing welfare in the form of a bountiful harvest. Therefore, Rengkong always displayed and ceremonial activities or storage of rice to the barn.
Cultural Values
Art is the expression of the human spirit embodied in the beauty. Therefore, any art including art Rengkong supported with simple equipment, contains an aesthetic value (beauty). However, if carefully studied art called Rengkong it contains not only the aesthetic value alone, but there are other values ​​that in turn can be used as reference in daily life. Those values ​​include hard work and cooperation. The value of hard work is reflected in the distinctive voice sounds generated from the friction between the rope fibers and yoke. This means that the rice with a certain weight bear. And, this would require hard work. Then, the value of cooperation is reflected in the staging. In this case without the cooperation of both impossible staging can run well and smoothly. In fact, there are other values ​​(religious) as shown by the people of Sukabumi and Banten.

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