Minggu, 20 November 2011

keris traditional weapon of Java

Keris is something that very closely, especially with Javanese culture. In the "Legend of Java" is said, that to be a true man, then someone must have five things, namely: an heirloom kris; a horse; pet birds; a woman and a house.Kris in Javanese culture is viewed and treated as a "symbol" and "status" for the owner, rather than as a "killer tool" (Martial Weapon). Almost every aristocratic Javanese family, you can bet they have a Keris Family Heritage, which has a typical efficacy-efficacy. Owning a Heritage Keris, requires one to meet a variety of rituals, one of which is the ceremonial bathing the keris, which is generally done every year and it depends completely to their respective owners, how they are in doing...

rencong traditional weapon from Aceh

Rencong is one of the Acehnese traditional weapons other than guns and firearms. That said, at the time of the ancient kingdom of Aceh in every man who has grown up, must have sepucuk rencong to keep yourself. Rencong has religious and philosophical meaning to Islamization, the handle is berbetuk taken from the equivalent Arabic word Bismillah. Equivalent word can be seen in a curved handle and then thicken at the elbow. The handle-shaped rencong Ba, the handle where the grip is a script Sin, which taper downward in the base metal near the handle is a script Mim, iron taper near the base of the handle that resembles a lane-lane iron from the base of the handle until near the end symbolizes the character Lam , the under ...

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Tifa, Musical Instruments of Papua

Tifa is a musical instrument that originated from Maluku and Papua, Tifa like playing drums way is to hit. Made from a wood or dihilangi dikosongi contents and on one side of the tip is covered, and usually cover used buckskin that has been dried to produce a good sound and beautiful. bentuknyapun usually made ​​with carvings. each tribe in embarrassment and papuamemiliki drums with his characteristic respectively. Tifa is usually played to accompany the traditional dances, such as a war dance, traditional dance Asmat, and Dance gatsi. rian is normally used on special occasions such as ceremonies and other important event...

gamelan in indonesia

Is a typical Indonesian gamelan orchestra. The word comes from the Javanese gamelan "Gamels" which means hitting with a hammer. In addition to Java, the Balinese and Sundanese gamelan had. The sound produced by a set of gamelan music was incredible, because it is a perfect blend of many sounds. Javanese gamelan usually consists of Gong, Kendang, Gambang, flute and zither. Gamelan is the music that is created from an alloy gong sounds, kenong and other Javanese musical instruments. Rhythm of the music is soft and reflects the harmony of life of the Javanese will soon greet and soothe the soul was heard.Gamelan, Orchestra a la JavaGamelan music is definitely not a stranger. Its popularity has penetrated every continent and has created...

gadang house

Custom home in West Sumatra is called Tower House. Tower House has a pole that is not perpendicular or horizontal but have a slope. Why? Because first, there are many people who come from the sea, so they only know how to make the ship and did not know how to make a home. This house has a unique form of architecture with roofs that resemble buffalo horns made ​​of palm fiber material. On the front page of Tower House is usually always there are two buildings rangkiang, used to store grain. Tower House also called the House Baanjuang. Because the right wing and left the room anjuang (anjung). This space is used by the local community as a place where the coronation of the bride biting or head of customs. As a tribal nation that embraces...

Alosu From the South Sulawesi.

Alosu: The form of woven palm leaves the box, in it contains the seeds - From the South Sulawe...

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Death Ceremony Community Banjar (South Kalimantan)

For the people of Banjar, death is not a simple case of discharge of the soul from the body, but also a sacred event that became the natural entrance to the next man. Death is not the end of the journey of human life, but it is the beginning of another life. As the beginning of a new life, it is only logical if preparing for all purposes required in a new life in the future. In other words, death is an event that requires a stock to shore up his new life. What are the provisions that must be prepared and prepare lunch bagimana dead is entirely related to the trust and confidence of each individual.Banjar society choose a belief that they believe will provide benefits in the nature of life in death. For example, if someone reads tahlil...

Merarik: Typical Wedding Ceremony Sasak, West Nusa Tenggara

"I do not want to marry a man who did not dare to take risks with my escape. He will look weak, both in my eyes as well as others from my village when he asked for permission to my father. Actually, my dad would throw it out the door when he tried to do that "(Bartholomen, 2001: 204).Talking about marriage Sasak, can not help but talk about merarik, the girls run to be his wife. Merarik as a ritual to start a marriage is a very unique phenomenon, and may only be found in the Sasak, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This tradition is so ingrained in society meat, so if there are people who want to know the marital status of a person, the person in question simply asked whether or not already merarik. Bartholomen article above clearly indicates...

Basunat: Symbol islam Children in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

Basunat for society Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, is very important. In fact, Islam is not considered perfect person if the person has not been circumcised. Therefore, since Banjar people were children (boys aged between 6-12 years, and women are usually younger) have been circumcised (Alfani David, 1997: 252). Asa bakalalangan haja kaalah us (our disturbing feelings), so usually the people commenting on the people of Islam (bersyahadat) that have not been circumcised. In addition done by the Muslims to perfect his Islamic faith, circumcision was also practiced by local people who still adhered to the religion and the Christian Balian (ibid). But unfortunately, there is not any information that explains why they practice circumcision.Circumcision...

High Eid (Eid al-Fitr celebrations Rituals in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara)

Eid is a day of victory, in which Muslims (purified) returned after running fast. Awareness of their achievements back to nan fitri identity is expected to be a kind of inherent and control even the spirit of the strong self to continuously improve the quality of life, as has been done in the month of fasting. Having been educated through the momentum of fasting, Muslims celebrate then to hold a thanksgiving for the blessings fitri (such as the sanctity of a newborn baby) which God gave through the Eid al-Fitr. Expression of gratitude to Allah's blessings were also carried out by Muslims Wetu Telu in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. After performing various rituals since a month before the fast (Rowah Wulan and Sampek Friday) and on...

Rowah Wulan and Sampek Friday (Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara)

Ramadan is a special month. Like a grand and holy guest, Ramadan always enthusiastically welcomed by Muslims. Communities in different regions have different ways to greet him. The differences are influenced by social, cultural, and historical background that accompanies the community and, in particular, perceptions and expectations about the month of Ramadan itself. Because the process is going on since long and are hereditary, the formalization of these methods make it as a tradition.One tradition of welcoming the month of Ramadan which is considered typical of the ceremony can be seen that done by those groups Wetu Telu Sasak in Lombok, Indonesia. Since a month before the month of Ramadan, followers of Wetu Telu held quarterly...

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Proto Malay Wedding Ceremony Community Mamak Gutters

Marriage is not only a most dignified way to guarantee the existence of man upon the earth, but also as the embodiment and the inheritance of the values ​​shared by a community (society). In other words, through the marriage community to ensure its continuity, and while preserving, bequeath and form civilization. That's what we can see the wedding Talang Mamak communities that live in the inland province of Riau and Jambi Province.Community Talang Mamak is a proto Melayu (Malay parents). After the advent of Islam, Talang Mamak community withdrew into the interior. If the Malays are generally synonymous with Islam, then to the community Talang Mamak, synonymous with Malay customs (tradition). Therefore, her wedding ceremony a little...

Baayun Mulud: Ceremony Commemorating the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad in South Kalimantan

Month of Rabiul Awwal is one of the historic month in the Islamic calendar. This month, exactly on 12 Rabiul Awwal Prophet Muhammad, was born into the earth. Therefore, the month of Rabiul Awwal by Muslims called by the name Maulud month or month of birth of Prophet Muhammad. The birth of the Prophet Muhammad is one of the greatest blessings for Muslims. Bekait with this, this month, exact date of 12 Rabiul Awwal each, there are some Muslims who hold special activities to welcome the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, such as Baayun Mulud ceremony held by the Banjar, South Kalimantan. Baayun Mulud consists of two words, namely baayun and Mulud. The word means doing the activity Baayun swing / cradle. Activity rocking the baby is usually...

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