Minggu, 20 November 2011

keris traditional weapon of Java

Keris is something that very closely, especially with Javanese culture. In the "Legend of Java" is said, that to be a true man, then someone must have five things, namely: an heirloom kris; a horse; pet birds; a woman and a house.Kris in Javanese culture is viewed and treated as a "symbol" and "status" for the owner, rather than as a "killer tool" (Martial Weapon). Almost every aristocratic Javanese family, you can bet they have a Keris Family Heritage, which has a typical efficacy-efficacy. Owning a Heritage Keris, requires one to meet a variety of rituals, one of which is the ceremonial bathing the keris, which is generally done every year and it depends completely to their respective owners, how they are in doing...

rencong traditional weapon from Aceh

Rencong is one of the Acehnese traditional weapons other than guns and firearms. That said, at the time of the ancient kingdom of Aceh in every man who has grown up, must have sepucuk rencong to keep yourself. Rencong has religious and philosophical meaning to Islamization, the handle is berbetuk taken from the equivalent Arabic word Bismillah. Equivalent word can be seen in a curved handle and then thicken at the elbow. The handle-shaped rencong Ba, the handle where the grip is a script Sin, which taper downward in the base metal near the handle is a script Mim, iron taper near the base of the handle that resembles a lane-lane iron from the base of the handle until near the end symbolizes the character Lam , the under ...

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