Jumat, 08 Juli 2011


OrkesTanjidor has grown since the 19th century, developed in the suburbs. According to some information, the orchestra comes from the orchestra that originally fostered the environment dalarn landlords, such as landlords Citeureup, near Cibinong. In general the instruments of the orchestra Tanjidor consists of wind instruments such as the piston (cornet a piston), trombone, tenor, clarinet, bass, percussion instruments are equipped with membrane commonly called the drum or drums. With enough equipment to accompany the bridal procession or parad...

Art Sunda "Buhun" Kian Left

Various types of traditional arts, especially native Sundanese Sundanese arts Buhun almost extinct as a result many left their own community. As the art that the richness of local culture, art Buhun Sundanese continue to lose players due to his artistic successors received less public place and respected, as well as the urgency of modern pop art is considered more attractive. Professor of Language and Literature Education University of Indonesia, Prof.. Dr. Yus Rusyana said the circumstances of the current traditional Sundanese Buhun gradually began to disappear. "Today the younger generation prefer art that comes from the outside than the original art belongs to the nation itself," he said, in a consultation event character of Sunda, Sundanese...

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Kancet Papatai Dance / Dance War

This dance tells about a hero fighting against enemies Dayak Kenyah. The movement of this dance is very lively, agile, energetic and sometimes followed by cries of the dancers. In Kancet Pepatay dance, the dancer uses the traditional clothing of Dayak Kenyah equipped with armaments such as saber, shield and armor. This dance is accompanied by song and Sak Paku Sampe use onl...

gantar dance from East Kalimantan

Dance depicting the movement of people planting rice. Stick describe pounder while bamboo and wood grain rice seed in it describes and the container. This dance is quite famous and often presented in welcoming guests and events lainnya.Tari is not only known by the Dayak tribe Tunjung but also known by the Dayak tribe Benuaq. This dance can be divided into three versions of the dance Gantar Rayatn, Gantar Busai and Gantar oppressed / Gantar Kusak. dance War ...

Dance Andun south of Bengkulu

Andun dance is one of the folk dances performed at weddings. Usually done by the footmen and girls in pairs at night with music lacks kolintang. In ancient times, dance andun usually used as a means of looking for a mate after the rice harvest. As a form of preservation, when this is done as a means of entertainment for people, especially single gir...

Legong Keraton Dance - Dances of Bali

Legong Kraton is a classical dance of Bali which has a very complex motion pembendaharaan and bound by the structure of percussion accompaniment that supposedly received influence from Dance Gambuh. Legong Keraton word consists of two words namely legong and palace. Legong word probably derived from the word "leg" which means a graceful dance movement. Graceful. While the "gong" means gambelan. "Leg" and "gong" were merged into legong which implies a movement bound, terutamaaksentuasinya by gambelan that go with i...

dance Sajojo from Papua

Who does not know dance Sajojo? Yes, with stomping feet and swaying body of a typical, social dances from Papua is fun brought together. Not to forget of course, the song popularized by the group Sajojo Black Brothers in around 1994's. Sajojo is the story of a beautiful woman from the village. Women who loved his father and mother follows the men of the village. Women who didamba men to walk with him. "Dance Sajojo not part of the original culture of Indonesia," says Managing Director of Emerging Sido Irwan Hidayat, yesterday, on the sidelines of the launch of the latest television ad variant of Kuku Bima Energy products (KBE...

Dance Ratéb Meuseukat

Dance Ratéb Meuseukat ACEH - Art Dance Ratéb Meuseukat dance is one of the dances that originated from Aceh Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Meuseukat Ratéb name comes from the Arabic origin of the word is ratéb Ratib means worship and meuseukat sakat origin of the word meaning silence. It is reported that this Meuseukat Ratéb dance movement and style created by children Teungku Abdurrahim alias Habib Seunagan (Nagan Raya), while his poetry or ratéb created by Tengku Chik at Kala, a cleric in Seunagan, who lived during the nineteenth century. The content and the content of his verse consists of flattery and praise to God and praise to the Prophet, played by a woman dressed in traditional Aceh. Dance developed in many Meudang Ara Rumoh Baro in Southwest...

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