Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

The uniqueness of Balinese Pendet

Pendet initially a worship dance that many exhibited at Temple, a place of worship for Hindus in Bali, Indonesia. This dance symbolizes the welcoming of the gods fall into the natural world. This dance was created by I Wayan Rindi. Rindi is the maestro of dance that is widely known as a composer of sacred Pendet that can be performed at the temple every religious ceremony. Pendet can also function as a dance of welcome. Gradually, over the development period, the Balinese artists change Pendet be a "welcome dance", but still contain elements of the sacred-religious. Wayan Rindi aspirant art of dance is known for his ability to compose and preserve the art of dance through learning on future generations. One was recorded in a variety of images...

Reog of ponorogo

Reog is one of the cultural arts that originated from East Java and the northwest Ponorogo Reog regarded as the true home town. The city gate was decorated by the figure Ponorogo warok and gemblak, two figures who took part during reog demonstrated. Reog is one of the local culture in Indonesia is still very strong with things of a mystical and powerful mysticism. reog Actually, Indonesia is rich in cultural diversity, but the lack of attention by the upper classes vatau government, a culture that is on in indonesia little by sedsikit will be lost because it will be swept aside by the incoming foreign culture keindonesia. Indonesian nation must Benara completely filter out of the entrance to the Indonesian culture that is alien culture that...

Dance Serampang Twelve in Deli Serdang

is one of the many dances that evolved under the Sultanate of Serdang in Serdang Bedagai (formerly Regency Deli Serdang). This dance is a kind of traditional dance that is played as a social dance that contains messages about the way the story of a young boy in search of a mate, ranging from introductory to enter the stage of marriage. This is one way the Deli Malay community in the teaching of the search procedure for a mate to the young generation. So the Twelve Dancing Serampang a predilection for the younger generation to learn the process that will be passed later on if you want to build a palace household. Dance Name Serampang Twelve formerly known as Dance Island Sari. This refers to the title song which accompanies the dance, the song...

Plate Dance Original Dance Minangkabau Society

 The plate is the art of dance dance held by the Minangkabau people from West Sumatra. The dance depicts a sense of joy and gratitude Minangkabau society when the harvest season has arrived, where the young couple swinging motion step by showing their skill in playing plate that is in their hands. This dance is accompanied by a song that is played with talempong and saluang, which is where the movement was done quickly, holding the plate in the palm of their hand. Sometimes these plates they throw into the air or they menghempaskannya to the ground and trampled by the dancers are barefoot. Plate dance art is done in pairs or in groups with diverse movement that is fast, dynamic and noise interspersed berdentik plate carried by the dancers....

Tombbilotohe culture (pairs of lights) in Gorontalo

Gorontalo is one city I've ever been there so many cultures that I see starting from marriage until tombilotohe. I was there the father Fadel Muhammad still serves as the father of the governor in the province of Gorontalo. including a highly developed provinces quickly. here I'll tell tombilotohe. Tumbilotohe which consists Gorontalo language in the sense of the word "tumbilo" means the tide and the word "tohe" means a lamp, which shows pairs of night lights or lamps. This tradition is a sign would be the end of the holy month of Ramadan, has inspired a victory for the citizens of Gorontalo. Implementation Tumbilotohe before sunset until morning for 3 last night welcomed the victory on the day before the Eid. Amid the feel of victory,...

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