Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Dance Serimpi of yogyakarta central java

From the name, Serimpi bersinonimkan say four. Javanese dance from Yogyakarta is mostly danced by four dancers by the number of people accompanied by Javanese gamelan music. Hand movements are slow and graceful, are characteristic of the dance Serimpi. According Kanjeng Brongtodiningrat, composition Serimpi dancers symbolize the four elements of the world, Namely grama (fire), wind (air), Toya (water) and earth (groun...

Peacock dance from West Java

Peacock peacock dance is a dance popular in the land of Java, different versions can be found also in West Java and East Java. Peacock Dance is a dance of creation of new land created by Raden Pasundan Tjetjep Somantri in the 1950s and remade by dra. Irawati Durban in 1965. Many people mistakenly think that if this dance tells about the life and joy peahen, but this dance tells the story of the charm of the famous transvestite male peacock to impress the femal...

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

dance Paradise

Paradise Dance is a dance duet danced by the dancer's daughter, even though the basic footprint is a Balinese traditional dance movement, some of the poses and movements of this dance has been developed in accordance with the interpretation of the stylist to find form - new form in accordance with the theme of this dance. Clothing arranged in such a way as to help strengthen and clarify the motion that created the desi...

Dance braid eight of jambi

Braid eight dance is a traditional dance originating from the province of Jambi. This dance was first introduced by M. Ceylon when on duty at the Jambi Provincial Culture Department in the 1970s. Men born in Padang Sidempuan July 7, 1941 has a remarkable talent in the arts, especially dance. As a good person, friendly, and energetic makes him easy to adapt to local culture and environment. Activity is more wrestling in the field of culture makes itself successfully captures the deepest messages of the community association which was then processed into a work of art called Dance braid Eight. During its development, dance is then set to be one of the typical dances of Jambi Provin...

Dance Foreword from jambi

This dance originated from Jambi. Greatness in motion a soft and smooth blend with the accompaniment of music and poetry that is intended for guests. Welcomed with a heart of crystal clear white face showing hospitality to guests who dihormati.Tarian Foreword Welcome to a dance. To the guests of the Province of Jamb...

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